The one thing you need when hiring an Accountant
Get more from your job advertisements than just resumes. Why spend days screening resumes when by just including the ‘missing-link’ below in your job advertisements you can scan, screen and…
There are 9 different intelligences, so it doesn’t matter how qualified or experienced an applicant is, if they don’t have the best intelligence for the job, they are unlikely to be fully engaged and productive, despite their training and qualifications. For instance, if you want an accountant, you are best to hire a mathematical/logical smart accountant; or if you want a salesperson, you are best to employ a visual smart salesperson who has an eye for opportunities.
Only 1 in 5 employees are fully engaged and productive in their job (Gallup) and that the average office employee is productive for only 3 hours per day (Vouchercloud). Don’t risk hiring unproductive employees
Why spend thousands on recruitment or spend days trying to do it yourself when you can get a shortlist of the best applicants, sent to you for only $97
Simply select a job from our job list (click here) and we will send you a link to add in your job advertisements. The applicants will do a short test to see if they are a good match for your job.
You can see your job applicants results in real time, and your shortlist will be updated automatically, saving you days/weeks of your time.
You can use the same link multiple times.
Process 100’s of applicants quickly for no extra cost.
All for less than the cost of one job advertisement, only $97
You receive a link to include in all your job advertisements. The applicants click on the link to take a short test to match their intelligence and ability to the job with the results emailed to you directly from your job advertisements.
Each different job requires a different link as the most productive intelligence needed will vary with each position.
You receive:
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Get more from your job advertisements than just resumes. Why spend days screening resumes when by just including the ‘missing-link’ below in your job advertisements you can scan, screen and… Derek Price, a British physicist and mathematician discovered that half the work is done by the square root of the total number of people who are in the work place…. We will let Steve Jobs explain why “I noticed that the dynamic range between what an average person could accomplish and what the best person accomplished was 50 or 100… In this short video, Keith Henry (the creator of Hire Best Talent) discusses why you shouldn’t hire average people. Why is that? Because both the bad performers and talented performers…The one thing you need when hiring an Accountant
Price’s Law – Half the Work Done by Just a Few People
Having Trouble Hiring Good Staff?
Don’t hire average people