Price’s Law – Half the Work Done by Just a Few People

Derek Price, a British physicist and mathematician discovered that half the work is done by the square root of the total number of people who are in the work place.

This means in an office of say 10 people, the square root is approx. 3 people who do half the work while the remaining 7 people do the other half of the work. In a sales team it is easy to measure and see the results of who are the most productive, the best performers. For a sales team of 10 people, this means 3 people will produce half the sales and the remaining 7 produce the other half of the sales.

I looked at the statistics for earnings of the top 100 tennis professionals. If we take the square root of 100 it is that the top 10 players earn 50% of the prize money and the remaining 90 players share the other 50% of the money.

Why are only so few people productive? The reason is that the people who know their talent and get to use their talent in their work are the most successful and productive people. Which means most people employed are not a good fit for the job because they don’t have the right talent or have not developed their talent for the job.

Steve Jobs knew this and explains why you must employ the right talent for the job. “I noticed the dynamic range between what an average person could accomplish and what the best person accomplished was 50 to 100 to 1. Given that, you’re well advised to go after the best (talent). A small team of ‘A’ players can run circles around a giant team of ‘B’ and ‘C’ players.

To find the talent you need for a job try out our free tool and also learn how you can match the talent for the job with the applicants talent, so as you have the right fit for the job ..